Charged with Felonious Crime
Criminal Defense
Male client in San Pedro, Long Beach Courthouse, August 2018.
Our client was a young man who thought he would play an innocent prank on a friend. He had learned in science class and on YouTube videos that combining some everyday items in a plastic milk bottle creates a reaction and the build up of pressure until the plastic bottle bursts, or explodes. He did not think it was dangerous, never intended to hurt anyone or break the law. What he did not know is the exploding bottle he created is an illegal explosive device, which is extremely dangerous. He was facing serious felony charges. Thankfully, we were able to explain his intentions and present a complete mitigation package showing all of the positive things he had already accomplished in his youth, and emphasize he had never been in any trouble with law enforcement before. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office agreed to handle the case through an office hearing and community service.