Understanding Prostitution Charges in California
Even if the alleged perpetrator is not convicted, the simple fact of being arrested for this sex crime can have a devastating impact on one’s social and professional reputation. If you have been charged with prostitution, it is in your best interests to hire a Long Beach criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible to help you minimize the damage to your reputation and to help you avoid the serious consequences of a conviction.
Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual acts in exchange for money or remuneration. In California, this can be charged against the prostitute and customer (the “john”). In order to secure a conviction, it is not necessary for the prosecutor to prove any type of sexual activity actually took place or there was an exchange of payment. All that is required is proof that you either made or accepted an offer and did intend to carry through on the offer.
Come to West Coast Defense, where we understand how important it is for you to handle this situation quickly and discretely and are ready to put our years of experience as prosecutors to work for you.